Wednesday, February 13, 2013
"SpellCheckPlus" Online Spelling and Grammar Checker for English as a Second Language
This site is an excellent tool not only because it corrects grammar, spelling and punctuation, but because it is a magnificent learning tool. The prices very reasonable, at $15 per year. Most other programs will run $50-$150 per year. The site is well worth supporting at that price, and according to the authors it will even get better as time goes on.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Research Publishing
US Academy of Public Research
We would like to invite everyone to checkout our new website: US Academy of Public Research. Users can post their research for the world to see, as well as learn about other research.Sunday, April 29, 2012
Official Course Hero Blog
0digg Posted on April 27, 2012 by Course Hero
It’s the end of April: that time of year when the last few high school seniors have to accept the offer and submit a deposit to the institution they will attend in the fall. For many, this is a time of a lot of uncertainty–what’s the right school from me? What’s the best location? What do I want to study?
Our latest infographic addresses these questions and aims to help you make the smartest decision possible about which school is best for you. Check it out!"
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Find Online College Courses That Fit Your Life
for Continuing an Online Education
In today's world, education never ends. Whether your career requires formal course credits to maintain licensing or informal learning to stay competitive in your field, you can't afford to put your education on the back burner. At the same time, you’ve never had so many ways to continue your education. We can help you make sense of it all and find the online college courses that fit your life."
'via Blog this'
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
10 Schools With Least 2010 Graduate Debt
The U.S. News Short List, separate from our overall rankings, is a regular series that magnifies individual data points in hopes of providing students and parents a way to find which undergraduate or graduate programs excel or have room to grow in specific areas. Be sure to explore The Short List: College and The Short List: Grad School to find data that matters to you in your college or grad school search.
Over the last few months, many recent college graduates have opened their mailboxes to holiday cards, packages, and, mixed among them, that dreaded letter from their alma mater. Their six-month grace period is over, the letter might say, and it's time to start repaying those college loans.
4 Must-Ask Questions for Your High School Guidance Counselor
High school guidance counselors are a wealth of information, but it's helpful to know what to ask to make the best use of this resource.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Team Maker - Chirag Mehta :
Create teams or groups in the classroom or in PE. Cool and easy tool that can be used often. Eliminate favoritism.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
JURN : search over 4,000 free scholarly ejournals in the arts & humanities
4,309 free ejournals in the arts & humanities."
'via Blog this'
Steve Jobs: How to live before you die | Video on
'via Blog this'
Bunker Roy: Learning from a barefoot movement | Video on
'via Blog this'
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Human Body - Pushing the Limits
Discovery Education Video in the Classroom - HUMAN BODY: Pushing the Limits
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Create Your Own Binder Collections with Shelves!
We are very pleased to announce this feature since so many of you have requested it!
Now you can create your own shelves to organize, not only your binders, but other people’s binders as well. Here are some reasons that you might want to create shelves:
- Collaborate with a group on multiple binders
- Collect the best binders on a given topic
- Create a separate shelf for your students and one for parents
- Organize binders by subject (your binders and binders from other authors)
The nice thing is, when those binders are updated, you automatically have the latest version on your shelf. These new shelves can also be embedded, so you can put them in a website, wiki, or blog.
In fact, you don’t have to have your own binders at all, you can just curate all the great binders that are already out there on your shelves.
Our LiveBinders community has shown us some amazing applications and uses for binders. We can’t wait to see what you do with shelves!
Here is how you create and add to your own shelves:
You will notice that your “My Binders” page has changed its name. It is now “My Shelves”.
Teacher community Webinars
The Right Tools for the Right Job: 30 Tools in 50 Minutes – Round Two! | ||
Any craftsman will tell you that using the right tools makes the job a whole lot easier - and for an educator, using the right classroom tools is no different. But what tools are right for the job? Where to even start? Join Steven Anderson for this updated version of one of his most popular webinars! In it, he quickly shares and reviews 30 of his favorite web and tech tools in 50 minutes. You will walk away with a tool kit full of sites, resources, and more that can transform the way you teach and the way your students learn. | Who Can Attend: | |
Presented By: Steve Anderson Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Time: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM Eastern Time, USA
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Students can learn computer programming
4 Tools for Teaching Kids to Code
By Audrey Watters / August 18, 2010 6:30 PM / 27 Comments
scratch1aug10.jpgIn a recent PC Pro article, Professor Steven Furber, developer of the ARM microprocessor, laments the sharp decline in interest in computer science classes in the UK. And although the U.S. hasn't seen that same drop in enrollment, a recent survey of some 14,000 U.S. high school teachers by the Computer Science Teachers Association found that only 65% of respondents taught in a school that offered some sort of introductory computer science course.
As our world becomes more tech-oriented, educators are faced with not just teaching children how to use computers, but how to build and program them as well.
ReadWriteWeb's Back to School Coverage:
* Teachers Pick Their Top 5 Back-To-School Tech Tools
"We need to get students interested in computer science and that has to be done at an early age before they decide (incorrectly) that they can't do computer science or that it is dull and boring," says Alfred Thompson, Microsoft's K-12 Computer Science Academic Relations Manager. "Teaching computer science in an interesting fashion while students are young and impressionable and searching for interesting things they can do with their lives can potentially lead to more diversity in the field. And we need more diversity in the field."
Fortunately, there are a number of great tools to teach programming to K-12 students, along with a lot of resources for computer science teachers:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Brain Honey for Teachers
BrainHoney | Learning To Share | Benefits
What we do...
Now's Your Chance To Leverage Online Learning!
Take a couple of minutes to see how BrainHoney can help any educator immediately benefit from our online suite of learning management resources and then take a couple more minutes to start a free account!
Track Grades & Manage State Standards Daily
State standards are required, so why not utilize a teaching, learning, and grading system designed around them?
Easily build a scope and sequence in minutes with BrainHoney by dragging and dropping pre-selected state standards onto a schedule. Share it with your colleagues. Then use the same system to track student progress by grades or objective mastery or both.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Learning Blog
Top 100 Learning Game Resources
Abhijit Kadle | June 24th, 2009 | Game Based Learning, Learning Technology
Do You Need Games In Your Elearning Mix?When writing the whitepaper about Casual games, I did a fair bit of research and looked at several hundred web links. While doing so, I documented a few of the better ones. I’d been mulling posting these to the blog. So here they are - a Top 100 Learning Game Resource list. If you are already developing learning games, these links will broaden your horizons, as they did mine. If you are contemplating beginning – it might help to look at links that interest you to get some grounding ideas.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Links for New Teachers
You’ve been preparing for teaching for years, and now you finally get your chance to have a class of your own. With so much to learn as you get started, it can be overwhelming keeping it all straight. The following websites are loaded with helpful information that new teachers will appreciate.
Sites Just for New Teachers
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Free Technology for Teachers
Over the last year I've done a few posts about alternatives to YouTube. This post consolidates all of those resources into one list. If you have a suggestion that should be added to this list, please leave a comment...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Learning Beyond the Classroom
ReadWriteThink, established in April of 2002, is a partnership between the International Reading Association (IRA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and the Verizon Foundation.